Family, Criminal & Children's Court Attorneys Since 1991


Gray divorce and finances

When married couples grow older, they might worry about their financial situation. Budgeting for retirement in Wisconsin can be challenging, and things could become more complicated when the spouses are over age 50 and headed for divorce. A gray divorce might help two...

The aftermath of women filing for divorce

When Wisconsin couples get divorced, they must be prepared to face the emotional and financial consequences of ending their marriages. People who are in this situation should carefully prepare to minimize some of the problems that could otherwise arise. Understanding...

What happens to your medical practice during a divorce?

Wisconsin doctors put in a lot of hard work and dedication to enjoy success. However, if you own a medical practice and are going through a divorce, you might worry about what happens to all those accomplishments. Property division in Wisconsin Wisconsin is a...

Consider your children before committing to a parenting plan

When parents divorce in Wisconsin, one of the issues they must face is how to divide parenting time. Many couples decide a co-parenting plan will be best for them and their children, but what is the best schedule for divorcing parents to follow? Developing your...

Key financial considerations attendant to divorce

Divorce is inevitably a trying process characterized by a host of difficult emotions. Given the conflicting feelings that often accompany the decision to dissolve a marriage, it can be all too easy to overlook critical financial decisions that can have a lasting...

Steps for protecting a business from a divorce

As a community property state, Wisconsin law generally requires divorcing couples to split their assets 50/50, unless they come to a different arrangement. For a business owner, this could cause a liquidity crisis if you lack sufficient funds to pay out half of the...

What’s the difference between annulment and divorce?

When a marriage in Wisconsin falls apart, there are two options for dissolving the union: annulment or divorce. Both have their pros and cons, which can make it difficult to decide which route to take. While these concepts sound similar, they are actually quite...

Debts and divorce

Your future income and expenses loom large in your mind when you consider ending your marriage. Spouses in Wisconsin typically manage debt payments with their shared incomes. However, the prospect of living on one income makes resolving your debts critically important...

Preparing for your first meeting with a divorce attorney

If you have decided to seek a divorce in Wisconsin, you will want to prepare for your first meeting with your attorney. Gathering as many of your documents as possible before that first meeting might help your attorney form a clearer understanding of your situation...

Social Security spousal benefits: who qualifies?

Spousal benefits are benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). These benefits are based on your spouse's work history over the last few decades. Sometimes, you may be eligible to receive spousal support from the SSA even if you are no longer married. If...

