Dealing With Your Ex For The Sake Of Your Children And Future
When minor children are part of the family, the divorce experience does not end with the issuance of a court decree. Coparenting former spouses will likely continue to interact in the process of coordinating the bringing up of their children in two households. If you are in this situation and wonder how to deal with your ex-wife or ex-husband, you are doing the right thing by seeking legal advice.
You may want guidance on how to prevent threats to your child custody rights. Or, you may need counsel after difficulties are already underway. Perhaps your ex is returning your children late from visitation or you have heard your children repeat criticism about you in quotes from your ex. Is parental alienation going on, and how can you stop it? A trusted family law attorney’s assistance in these areas can be invaluable. At Thelen & Associates, we are committed to helping you resolve difficult situations in your and your children’s best interests.
Is Co-parenting Trouble In The Picture?
You and your ex no doubt experienced conflict while you were married and living together, so it may not be surprising that strife goes on in the aftermath. Assuming your divorce is already complete, you may have resolved your marital dissolution in one of these ways:
- Through traditional litigation, with one of you petitioning the court against the other
- Through pretrial negotiations
- Through alternative dispute resolution (ADR), such as mediation
Ideally, your divorce lawyer did their best to encourage you to minimize conflicts with your ex to help your children in the long term. If abuse or neglect has been a factor in your family, ADR might not have worked as it should, and it still may not be an option now that your marriage has ended. But, a frank discussion with a divorce and custody lawyer can give you insights into how to move forward.
Can You Prevent Accusations Of Alienating Behavior Or Interference?
The key to preventing these accusations may be found in the communication style that you and your ex are already accustomed to. Have your interactions since separating followed one of these patterns or some other style:
- Amiable
- Consultative
- Opposing with animosity a common factor
As you and your lawyer confront your reality, you can discover the roadmap for evaluating and examining the issues. Has your child or children been parroting the words of the other parent while expressing negative emotions towards you? Do they refuse to see you even during established court-ordered visitation times? To determine whether these circumstances indicate an issue, reach out to us at Thelen & Associates, LLC.
What’s The Bottom Line?
When you are co-parenting, the family you started with your ex carries on. You may have moved on financially and socially, but vestiges of your shared family continue to matter, especially in the lives of your children. Our lawyers will help you:
- Avoid behaviors that could be construed as parental alienation.
- Be active and proactive in your parenting, such as by attending school functions and engaging in normal enriching experiences with your children.
- Document your healthy parenting activities.
- Ideally, pave the way for mutual participation in your children’s graduations and weddings
- Document evidence of badmouthing by the other parent against you or other actions that courts have defined as parental alienation.
Dealing with your ex may seem like a burden, but doing so effectively can give you a sense of satisfaction as you see a positive impact in your children’s lives.
Get Legal Counsel For Peace Of Mind And Your Parent-Child Relationship
Perhaps your questions about dealing with your ex are not about your children, but about property, spousal support or possible stalking. No matter what troubles you, we can provide the personalized guidance and protection you are looking for. We welcome your inquiry about how to deal with your ex in any of the ways that have become important in your post-divorce way of life.
To schedule a consultation about parental alienation or any other post-divorce concern in our Waukesha or Mukwonago office, call us at 262-200-8002 or send an email inquiry. We are here for you and we care about supporting you after divorce.