Family, Criminal & Children's Court Attorneys Since 1991

3 self-care tips during divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2024 | Divorce |

It’s important to look after yourself when you are going through a divorce. You have some very important decisions to make and you have a better chance of making the correct ones when you’re emotionally okay.

The following tips can help you:

1. Don’t be afraid to say no

You need to prioritize yourself right now. Even if you have kids, you need to keep yourself well so you can be strong for them. If this sounds strange, think about how airline safety announcements tell you to put your own lifevest on before attending to your children – it’s the same principle.

Prioritizing your own needs can take several forms. For instance,  you could turn down invitations you don’t feel up to, tell your boss no to doing overtime or taking on extra responsibilities or let someone else do the baking for the school event this year. Saying no will give you time to gather your thoughts and recharge your batteries.

2. Establish firm boundaries 

Is your spouse taking advantage of your goodwill? Are they trying to wheedle their way back into your life? Do they find ways to make you feel bad about yourself? Establishing firm boundaries can protect you from such things.

3. Gather the right people around you

You don’t have to face divorce alone. There are probably plenty of people willing to give you love and support if you let them. Be sure to get legal guidance too as having people who know what needs doing can save you considerable time as well as advocate for your best interests.

