Family, Criminal & Children's Court Attorneys Since 1991

Property Division

What to know about the divorce discovery process in Wisconsin

Going through a divorce is a tumultuous time. While you are experiencing a personal loss of a partner, you must make life-altering decisions regarding your financial status. If you are in the process of divorcing and need more information on how to divide your assets,...

Dividing complex assets in a divorce

Sometimes, a couple is splitting up amicably, and they have few assets to haggle over. However, that's not always the case. High net worth individuals in Wisconsin should understand how the process for dividing complex assets works. Large estates, professional...

Using QDROs to divide retirement benefits

When you’re dividing property as part of your divorce proceeding, your immediate concerns may involve who will get the house or the car. However, you will also have to consider more intangible assets, such as retirement benefits or pension funds. Dividing retirement...

