Family, Criminal & Children's Court Attorneys Since 1991

Year: 2021

4 types of joint custody parenting schedules

Because you and your spouse know your schedules best, you may want to create your own joint custody parenting time schedule rather than leaving it up to the court. Wisconsin requires that you send in a co-parenting plan within a certain time period. If your ex-spouse...

What happens to a business when a marriage ends?

A divorce can have a significant impact on your Wisconsin business. However, there are various strategies that may be implemented to ensure that you don't lose control of your company. For example, you could create a prenuptial agreement that states that your firm is...

How living accommodations could impact child custody

Wisconsin parents who are going through a divorce will need to deal with the topic of child custody. One major factor that any judge will take into consideration when it comes to a child custody agreement is the accommodations of the parents' living quarters. They...

The rise of grey divorce

Grey divorces are on the rise as more older couples choose to part ways and end their marriages after many decades together. There are a few reasons grey divorces are increasing in Wisconsin and other states, which include a longer lifespan as more people are in...

How is a joint bank account divided in a divorce?

After you file for divorce, a joint bank account you share with your spouse is considered to be marital property by the courts in Wisconsin. Any funds in the account are considered to be shared and owned by both parties, even if one of the spouses made each deposit....

How to split retirement accounts in divorce

When you first decide that you're going to divorce your spouse, there are many questions that come to your mind. While you may be familiar with bigger issues like child custody, smaller issues like retirement accounts may not have crossed your mind until now. As part...

Preparing for divorce when you’re the spouse who stayed at home

Ending a marriage can be difficult regardless of your financial status. However, if you primarily stayed home during the course of your relationship, it can be even harder to obtain an equitable divorce settlement. Therefore, you will need to be proactive in obtaining...

What to know about the divorce discovery process in Wisconsin

Going through a divorce is a tumultuous time. While you are experiencing a personal loss of a partner, you must make life-altering decisions regarding your financial status. If you are in the process of divorcing and need more information on how to divide your assets,...

The devastation of emotional abuse

In the context of marriage and relationships, emotional abuse doesn’t get as much attention in the Wisconsin press as physical abuse does. There are undoubtedly various reasons for this, but one is probably that emotional scars are invisible whereas physical scars are...

Factors to consider when negotiating alimony payments

Wisconsin residents who are divorcing might find themselves negotiating over spousal support or alimony. Couples might negotiate the support agreement themselves, but if they are unable to do so, a family court judge will be the one who decides alimony payments. Why...

